Thursday, 31 October 2013

31 October - Thursday Ride, Jordans Mill via Queen Adelaide

Adrian's ride so a surprising route to Croydon and on to Jordans Mill.  Nice day and loads of people out. Counted over 30 at the first stop and most carried on.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

29 October - Waresley ride, on to St Ives

Quite chilly to start, Garmin showing 8 deg but rising to about 14.  Windy on the homeward stretch.

Rode out to Waresley with Barbara and Mike S, meeting up with most of the regulars.  Eight went on to St Ives, stopping at one of the favourite cafes for lunch.

Started back along the guided bus route but turned off part way along with new rider Rob, and headed for Boxworth.  He was setting a fast pace which I struggled to match, but turned off towards Yelling when I turned the other way for Knapworth, Bourn and home.

55 miles.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

10 October - Thursday, Dullingham

Don't have the full route but it was 56 miles.  Drove to Greta's again because the ride was going to be north east, so avoiding the extras.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1 October - Tuesday Ride, Waresley and back

Needing to get back so just out for coffee with the group then retraced route.